Hasiera> Produktuak> Itsasoko sudur spray> Isotonikoko itsasoko sudur spray> % 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray

% 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray

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Produktuen atributuak

Produktuaren Kalitatearen Ziurtagiriace

Gailu Medikoen SailkapenaI. klasea

Segurtasun ArauaEN 149 -2001 + A1-2009

Ontziak eta entrega
Unitateak saltzea : Piece/Pieces
Produktuaren Deskribapena
Isotonic seawater saline solution (9 g/l) in a spray format. 100% natural for daily nasal hygiene.
A cold microfiltered isotonic seawater solution, developed according to the original protocol of physiologist and biologist, ensuring the chemical integrity of the mineral components naturally present in seawater.
As this spray works to hydrate, flush, and clean the upper airways, it's  recommended for the prevention and treatment of the following conditions: 
Nasal Congestion 
Allergic Rhinitis 
Dry Nose
60ml, 80ml, 100ml, 120ml
Recommended Use
1 to 6 times a day.
Isotonic solution (9 g/l): water (71 ml); seawater (29 ml)
Daily use, no restrictions. Suitable from 6 years and older.
How to use?
Attach the nozzle to the bottle. Press the nozzle until it produces a spray. Carefully insert the end of the nozzle into one
nostril and tilt your head to the opposite side. Press the nozzle and inhale until it is completely washed. Repeat the process in
the second nostril. When finished, wash the nozzle with soapy water.
Hasiera> Produktuak> Itsasoko sudur spray> Isotonikoko itsasoko sudur spray> % 100 Itsas uretan Nasal Alergia spray
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